Hi All,
I really haven't fallen off the face of the earth. With our move, I have found myself busy in so many areas of my life. I seem to find new and exciting ways to keep myself busy. You should ask me about the White Pine Children's Art Festival, coming to Ely, NV this summer. It should be fun, but is keeping me busy.
This sweet family has been so welcoming to us, They are lots of fun and the girls love flirting with and teasing our youngest son. It was such a pleasure to capture them on film, I took over 250 pictures and we could have taken more.
My concern was their sweet Derek. Derek is an incredible soul, he has some health challenges and is in a wheelchair. He doesn't speak, but when you rub his arm (or his tummy :) ) his face just lights up. We wanted to get some pictures that would capture him, I prayed for days that we would get something that was wonderful for his family, and I feel like we got some great shots.
Hope you are all having a wonderful spring. We are having a few days of beautiful weather so I am off to enjoy the sun.
Love, ALS